If you can still afford a home at the present interest rate, what’s stopping you from purchasing one? Maybe you’re concerned about having enough money, maybe you’re not ready to settle, or maybe you want to wait for home prices to drop and inventory to increase. Whatever the case, having a good realtor on your side to discuss options is invaluable! But there is plenty you can think about on your own before you get in contact with one.

What are your finances like? Do you have student loans, bad credit scores, and unpaid bills? Or are you able to keep up with your financial obligations and have a good amount put away into savings? It’s a good idea to consider your financial situation when you’re thinking about home buying and to make sure you can afford a down payment and subsequent payments.

Do you know where you want to settle down? Do you plan to be married, have kids, or are ready for the responsibilities of home ownership? Do you want to live in the country, city, or suburbs? Do you have or want animals? Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time to dedicate to home buying? The details about your personal life and future goals or dreams are important to keep in mind when you’re looking at homes.

It may seem like these questions are all too much to think about when planning for home buying, but figuring out all the details beforehand saves you a lot of stress during the process of looking for a home, and can also save you from making a poor decision. We at TV Idaho Real Estate and PM are always willing to help answer your questions, and if you feel like you’re ready to start looking for a home, we’d be happy to help you achieve that dream.